Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sorry I'm Late

What a week. Another St. Patty's Day has come and gone and I'm feeling as if I'm running late on many projects. I was hoping to post pictures of the madness that occurs downtown but unfortunately my camera battery died. So no pictures but rest assured, Savannah was a sea of green shirts and overflowing Guiness. I have also had an ignored bag of the most delicious fabrics and fake furs sitting in my craft room for a doll making extravaganza and I missed out on my picnic this week due to well....being tired. I haven't had the motivation or much time to post; hence the next title being 'Sorry I'm late'.

I am slightly obsessed with stop motion films. You will see them here at Scout's Bazaar fairly often. The playfulness, sweetness, and assumed simplicity combined are beyond enticing and magical to me. This short film comes from Thomas Mankovsky via Vimeo. Please watch and enjoy, and if time so exists for you also enjoy his award winning short film entitled Little Big Love.

Sorry I'm Late from Tomas Mankovsky on Vimeo.

I'm hoping for more creativity to seep into my life this coming week. Happy Sunday!

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